With more than 1.4 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is America's strongest labor union. In Illinois, Teamsters Local 722 is protecting workers
and securing contracts, defending the rights necessary to rebuild the middle class. Join the Teamsters and start fighting for your future.
Welcome to America's strongest union
Shawn Dowd, President
The Members of Local 722
Teamsters Local 722 proudly represents more than 1,200 hardworking men and women in a variety of industries and crafts throughout central and northern Illinois. Under the leadership of President Shawn Dowd, Local 722's memberships stretches to nine counties across the state. The workers and families who make up the Teamsters Union know a thing or two about standing up for what you believe in and being paid an honest wage for an honest day's work. After all, Teamster contracts in Illinois and across North America are known for bargaining better health and welfare benefits, guaranteed wage increases, workplace protections and worker advantages than any other union in the world. Take a few moments to get to know some of the industries and companies where Local 722 members are proud to be called Teamsters.

Membership Meetings
All Teamsters Local 722 members are strongly encouraged to attend general membership meetings. Local 722 conducts meetings at
9 a.m. on the 4th Sunday of every month. Locations switch between the LaSalle union hall and Dixon AFSCME union hall every other month. A list of upcoming meeting dates is included below, alongside addresses and location maps.
Sunday, January 26 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, February 23 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
Sunday, March 23 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, April 27 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
Sunday, May 18 - LaSalle Hall
June, July & August - No Meetings
Sunday, September 28 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, October 26 - Dixon AFSCME Hall
Sunday, November 23 - LaSalle Hall
Sunday, December 21 - Dixon AFSCME Hall

Local 722 work on public and private construction projects, including new buildings and infrastructure repair.

Foodservice members of Local 722, including dairy drivers, produce and distribute essential everyday food and drinks.
344 Civic Road, LaSalle, IL 61301
(815) 224-2670 office | (815) 224-4916 fax

Drivers and delivery workers make up the backbone of the Teamsters Union and are employed by many Local 722 companies.

The Teamsters' diverse warehouse and manufacturing members meet the demands of an economy that relies on production.

School bus drivers, attendants and aides are some of Local 722's most selfless members, transporting our most precious cargo.

AFSCME Local 817 building
662 Palmyra Road, Dixon, IL 61021
Local 722 proudly represents many public employees, including law enforcement, county employees, IDOT and township staff.