With more than 1.4 million members, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters is America's strongest labor union. In Illinois, Teamsters Local 722 is protecting workers
and securing contracts, defending the rights necessary to rebuild the middle class. Join the Teamsters and start fighting for your future.
Welcome to America's strongest union
Shawn Dowd, President
Prairie Farm Drivers Approve New Contract

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After only 4 negotiation sessions the Company gave the Negotiating Committee their best and final offer on July 7, 2015. The Company's best and final was voted and rejected by the members on July 29, 2015.
After another negotiating session on August 12, 2015 and no movement by the Company, both parties agreed to meet again on September 23, 2015. At this time, the Company decided that they wanted a 5 year contract. No Agreement was reached at that session.
On October 6, 2015, a letter was sent requesting the Teamsters Joint Area Committee to convene a "special" panel to assist in further negotiations between Teamsters Local #722 and Prairie Farms Dairy, Inc. - Streator Division. The contract had expired on June 1, 2015. Vacation, wages and insurance were the open issues.
Both parties met before the Special Committee on November 18, 2015. Thanks to the Committee's advice and Chairperson Tom Strickland's of Green Bay, WI leadership, a tentative five year agreement was reached.
On November 24, 2015, Steve Mongan met with the drivers at the Streator facility and discussed what the changes were between the Union and Company. The members voted and the Contract was ratified at that time.
On Tuesday, December 15, 2015, Teamsters Local Union #722 received notice that the members would be paid their back pay that week. The back pay included retroactive pay from June 1, 2015, a $500.00 signing bonus, safety bonus and gain sharing for the year end.
At this time, Steve Mongan said he thanks the Negotiating Committee for their courage, determination and hard work.